Sharing the joy, comfort and healing power of our pets' unconditional love

Volunteer Questionnaire

To begin the volunteer application process, please complete and submit the following questionnaire. A Love On 4 Paws representative will contact you within 5 business days.

  1. Items marked with * are required.
  2. Note: "Handler 2" is a second person who would also like to do visits with your pet. If just one person will be visiting, leave the "Handler 2" fields blank.
  3. (Optional)
  4. (Optional)
  5. CA (LO4P is located in Southern California.)
  6. () -
  7. Note: Leave the "Dog 2" entries blank unless you have a second dog you would also like to have join the program.
  8. Female Male
  9. Year:
  10. Yes No
  11. Yes No
  12. Yes No
  13. Yes No
  14. Yes No
  15. Yes No
  16. Female Male
  17. Year:
  18. Yes No
  19. Yes No
  20. Yes No
  21. Yes No
  22. Yes No
  23. Yes No
  24. Yes No
  25. Saw a visit in progress
    Talked with a volunteer
    Suggested by a friend, relative, neighbor, other...
    Came across the Love On 4 Paws website
    Found a referral on the AKC or other website
    Other, please explain:
  26. Your IP Address:
  27. Items marked with * are required.