Sharing the joy, comfort and healing power of our pets' unconditional love

Facility Visits Request Form

Are you interested in having Love On 4 Paws conduct therapy dog visits at your facility? Here are a few things to know about Love On 4 Paws first:

To begin the facility visits application process, please complete and submit the following form. A Love On 4 Paws representative will contact you within 5 business days.

  1. Items marked with * are required.
  2. CA (LO4P is located in Southern California.)
  3. Contact Person
  4. () -
  5. () -
  6. *About Health Clearances: All Love On 4 Paws volunteers obtain yearly health clearances from a major hospital in the Los Angeles area. We maintain records and make them available online to those facilities we visit. Since many of our volunteers visit at multiple hospitals, we cannot ask them to get multiple TB tests every year. If your facility has other specific health-related requirements, please share them in the comments section.
  7. Items marked with * are required.
  8. Your IP Address: